Hi there guys! Have this supercharged round-up with the best resources of this month, in it you’ll find showcasing mockups, amazingly intuitive development tools like a human-to-machine translator, a behavior-driven framework and a markdown editor, huge bundles of flat and filled icons, a new scrolling concept, amazing tools for engraving illustrations and characters generation, cool web templates en PSD, and among many other things, some articles that will boost your designer psyche. Go ahead and have a roll around and check out all we’ve prepared for you.
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Juan Sarmiento is the founder of shock family, as a group of talented designers and developers, the Shock Family is constantly looking forward to creating lots of quality resources having keeping track of the latest web standards and design trends. We are the team behind web tools and resources like Themeshock (wp themes), Designshock (design resources), iconshock (stock icons) and the WPThemegenerator (wo theme builder).