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Amp Up Your Campaigns with DXP ToolKit

DXP ToolKit is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to personalize your website visitors’ experiences based on factors such as their role, device, operating system, geolocation, and more. By using DXP ToolKit, you can create multiple, personalized experiences for your visitors and increase engagement, conversions, and campaign performance.

This article was written by our experts using our in-depth analysis methodology.

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You can’t control the experience your visitors have when they visit your website β€” or can you? What if I told you that you have the power to completely personalize your users’ experiences, increase their engagement, and amp up your campaigns just by setting a few rules?

There’s a plugin called DXP ToolKit that will help you do exactly that. You can create multiple, personalized experiences for your visitors and boost your conversions in the process.

What DXP ToolKit Does for Your Site

DXP ToolKit helps you amp up your campaigns on your WordPress site by tailoring your visitor’s experiences based on their role, operating system, device, geolocation, and more.

The DXP ToolKit plugin was developed by the team at Crowd Favorite, who also make the Speed Daemon and Progressive Profiling plugins for WordPress.

DXP ToolKit logo

Once you install and activate the plugin, DXP ToolKit allows you to create what they call β€œPersona Rules,” which are special rule configurations for different types of users. With these rules, you can designate certain behavior on your website for specific demographics or user roles.

For example, by creating a Personal Rule for visitors browsing your site on a mobile device, you can display custom content just for them. Visitors coming from their desktops won’t see it.

Another way to amp up your campaigns using DXP ToolKit is by setting a start and end date for certain content. You can create a marketing campaign for your products or services that automatically runs for a specified length of time.

One recent addition to the platform is the introduction of new personalization rules based on user roles and operating system rules. For instance, by creating user role rules, you can create unique experiences for different groups of users, such as customers, employees, and partners.

DXP ToolKit’s many personalizations include:

  • Device type
  • Geolocation
  • User behavior
  • Referrer source
  • Guest status
  • URL type
  • Browser language
  • Dynamic link
  • Visited pages

Or, you can mix and match various conditions to create a highly personalized experience.

How to Use DXP ToolKit

DXP ToolKit is a plugin with a small footprint. It has an intuitive UI and doesn’t overwhelm the WordPress admin dashboard with a lot of unnecessary fluff. I’ll take you on a short tour and show you how it works under the hood.

Installing the Plugin

You can purchase and download Pro versions of the plugin from the DXP ToolKit site. You can also find a free version on their page, or by searching from your WordPress site in Pluginsβ†’Add New for β€œDXP ToolKit.”

Once you have the plugin installed and activated, you’ll see a new menu item in your WordPress admin dashboard called DXP ToolKit

screenshot of DXP ToolKit dashboard

The DXP ToolKit dashboard has Quick Actions links to help you quickly navigate to configuration settings and other tools. There are also helpful links to documentation, and a short β€œQuick Start” video, which is nice to have right on your site.

Add a Persona Rule

The first thing you’ll need to do is create a Persona Rule, which is the basis of how everything functions in DXP ToolKit. Once the rule is created, you can implement them on specific posts and pages β€” which we’ll cover in a bit. Easily enough, there’s an Add Persona Rule item under the DXP ToolKit menu.

screenshot of DXP ToolKit dashboard

There are several rule types to choose from. If you decide you meant to create a different rule type, there’s a handy β€œStart Over” link at the top that takes you back to the list of rules.


The most obvious of rule choices, Device allows you to create specific rules for Mobile, Tablet, or Desktop.

User Behavior

Configuring the User Behavior rule gives several options and combinations. For example, when you choose Returning Visitor, you can designate whether the content is shown after:

  • First Visit
  • 2 visits
  • 3 visits

Or, you can set up a custom number of visits by entering the number in a field.

Choosing Browser Language automatically detects the visitor’s language. Using this rule and a combination of certain translated content, you could direct Italian-speaking visitors to specific pages which are pre-translated into Italian.

Operating System is also an intuitive rule where you get choices for:

  • Windows
  • Mac OS
  • Linux
  • Android
  • iOS

Under User Role, you can choose any user role available in WordPress core or any plugin or theme that sets up individualized user roles for your site.

There are also simple options to choose from for Logged in and New Visitors.

Referrer Source

With this Persona Rule, you can display or hide content based on the referring URL to your site. For instance, under URL, you have multiple options for what the URL is/is not or contains/does not contain.

screenshot of DXP ToolKit dashboard

You can also designate any existing page on your site. In addition, if you choose Common Referral Websites, you can select from:

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube

DXP ToolKit allows you to amp up your campaigns by setting up a query parameter and query string combination to use as a Persona Rule. This can be helpful if you have UTM query links in posts where you’d like to show content to those who click the link. In addition to collecting the usual UTM analytics, it’s a powerful tool for your site’s marketing.

Time & Date

As I mentioned, you can set up schedules for specific content, like during a sale or a marketing campaign. There are some settings you need to configure before using this feature, but they give you a handy link to adjust them from within the rule.

Visited Pages

This is similar to the Referrer Source rule. You can designate specific URLs or URLs which contain or don’t contain certain parameters.

Implementing Your Persona Rules

Putting your Persona Rules to work is super simple. For example, I created a rule that targets Linux Users.

screenshot of DXP ToolKit dashboard

Now that I have the rule created, I can implement it. I want to salute fellow Linux users who visit my site and allow them to join me on social media. The first step is to create a page on my site, as I normally would. Then, I add a DXP ToolKit User Persona block.

screenshot of WordPress page editor

In the first DXP block, I set the visibility to show when the user persona matches the Linux Users personal rule I created earlier. Within the DXP block, I can add any content I like, as I normally would on any page.

Next, I want to show a message to those who are using any operating system other than Linux. I add another DXP ToolKit block. This time I set the visibility to hide when a Linux user visits the page.

When I publish the page, the rules will be applied to all users who fit the DXP ToolKit persona rules I set previously. For example, someone visiting the page from Windows or Mac OS will see a message that says, β€œSorry, this page is only viewable to Linux geeks.”

screenhot of Linux Users Only page

However, visitors using Linux will see a welcome message and an image of Tux the penguin.

screenhot of Linux Users Only page

You might be able to see how even this simple usage of persona rules can help you create a dynamic experience for visitors. For instance, if some content on a page is only viewable to paid subscribers, you can still serve up the page to non-subscribers β€” sprinkled with snippets of paid content and enticements to subscribe to see more. Your persona rule can function both as a mini paywall and an upselling tool.

Testing Pages and Rules

One nice feature of DXP ToolKit is the ability to test your rules. For example, as I created my page on a Linux machine, I couldn’t see how the page would look to a Windows or Mac OS user unless I hunted down a machine running one of those systems.

DXP ToolKit places an item in your WordPress admin toolbar. When you visit a page on your site that has rules applied to it, you can deselect any rule to see how it will look to those users.

screenshot showing DXP ToolKit in admin bar

This can save tons of time when you need to create multiple persona rules, but those rules don’t apply to you.


As I mentioned, you can try DXP ToolKit for free by downloading it from or installing it from your Admin dashboard. With the free, or Essential version, you get all Personalization Conditions, 2 Geolocation Providers, and support via the public support forums.

screenshot of DXP ToollKit pricing table

There are three tiers to the paid version: Professional, Elite, and Enterprise.


The Pro tier is a $249 annual subscription. You get all the features of the Essential version, plus:

  • Full Google Analytics & Matomo integrations
  • 5 Geolocation Providers
  • Ticket Support
  • License for up to 3 Domains
  • 30K monthly page views


At the Elite tier, you get all of the above, plus:

  • License for up to 8 Domains
  • 300K monthly page views

The annual subscription for Elite is $649.


Enterprise seems like a good option for large agencies, as it includes unlimited domains and custom integrations. Pricing is going to vary based on need.

Amp Up Your Campaigns with DXP ToolKit

Creating unique, personalized experiences on your WordPress website can amp up your campaigns, increase conversions and help you win new subscribers. DXP ToolKit is a solid choice to help you create those personalizations with an easy-to-use interface and minimal effort.

D.J. is an experienced WordPress designer, developer, and consultant who has been part of the WP Mayor team as a Writer and Product Review Expert since early 2022. They love all things open source, creating illustrations, and running long distances.

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