Join the WP Mayor Revision Revolution!

You’re in an exclusive club, the WP Mayor Revision Squad.

Here at WP Mayor, we’re on a mission to keep our content fresh, informative, and, above all, super helpful. But with the dynamic world of WordPress, even the Mayor needs a helping hand (or a few) to ensure our information is up-to-date. That’s where you come in.

You’ve found an article that’s a bit…well, behind the times. Maybe you noticed something that’s so 2010s, and we’re clearly beyond that.

So we really appreciate you raising the flag! 🚩

Fill out the form on this page to report an outdated article. This is your chance to be the hero WP Mayor needs, helping us – and the whole community – stay ahead of the game. Plus, imagine all those future readers you’ll be helping out. Talk about good karma!

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s work together to keep WP Mayor the freshest source of WordPress know-how on the web.

Article Update Request

Just so you know, each time you submit an update request, you supercharge a WordPress user’s journey somewhere in the world! 🌏

All requests go directly to our Editor to be reviewed. Although updates are not guaranteed, we will analyze the article to make sure our content is as up-to-date as possible.

Hosting Survey 2024

Are you happy with your hosting provider or are you over-paying for too little? Have your say below!

"*" indicates required fields

What's the main reason you picked this host?*
How happy are you with your host?*

OPTIONAL: If you'd like to receive the results of this survey, please enter your details below.