The Author

Alyona Galea

Alyona is a WordPress enthusiast, focused on sharing interesting things she comes across during her work with this great CMS. She loves exploring new destinations and maintains a travel blog at

Articles written by Alyona Galea

UNLOQ – Passwordless Authentication Made Easy in WordPress

Have you reached the point where remembering and managing credentials for your dozen accounts has become such a pain that you are taking the shortcuts everyone is warning you about? Still using short, memorable passwords? Or reuse them a lot? There’s no need to do it anymore as UNLOQ makes password-less authentication a breeze.

Convert Old Blog Posts Into A Beautiful eBook to Help Grow Your Mailing List

Your mailing list is a key weapon in the ongoing promotion of your WordPress blog. In order to maximise the sign ups to your list you should offer an incentive to readers – something to reward them for parting with their precious email address.

Beacon offers a quick way to repurpose old blog posts into a well designed eBook that will help boost the conversion rate of your subscription box. Did we mention that it takes less than 2 minutes from start to finish?

Parallax One WordPress Theme Review

The parallax effect serves as a wonderful way to grab visitor attention and push them to check out your content. The interesting part is that you generally can’t get a parallax effect without spending money, or the feature doesn’t work all that well when selecting a free WordPress theme.

Common Goofs in WordPress: How They Come About and How to Avoid Them

WordPress is by far the most popular CMS in the market today. It is loved for its simplicity and a myriad of other benefits, though this is not the subject of today’s discussion. Because WordPress can be used by people who have limited technical knowledge/skill, there are plenty of little goofs which take away from user experience or expose your website to possible security issues.

Easily Add Business Contact Information on WordPress

If you are an agency or even a small business owner, you have probably squawked at how difficult it is to add simple contact information to your WordPress website.Β The WordPress platform is supposed to be easy, but often we are forced to use tools like the built in β€œText Widget” to display content. This is very poor user experience. It also honestly looks pretty ugly.

Enter β€œBusiness Profile”, a free WordPress plugin used to easily add business contact information on WordPress.

5 Useful Tips to Create an Exceptional eCommerce Experience

It can take hard work to build a successful eCommerce experience. The tools you choose will take you a long way, but only so far. How you treat your customers is vital, and that is something that is up to you. It is not at all uncommon for visitors to click away from a store and leave an abandoned shopping cart behind.

10 Important Steps Involved In Making WP Site Mobile Friendly

With the constant evolution of devices and capabilities, more and more users are adopting mobile devices for browsing purposes. In fact, according to a recent comScore survey, we’ve passed over the β€œmobile tipping point”. This means that majority of visits are made using mobile devices than desktops.

Create Your Own WordPress Theme With Themify Flow

Ever wanted to create your own WordPress theme but always found it too complicated? You may have PHP and CSS skills but don’t know much about the WordPress API, and theme system needed for you to create a feature-rich theme. Well Flow may just be what you’re looking for, plus it’s FREE!

Designing WordPress Websites Like a Pro with CloudPress

WordPress as a platform offers near limitless options for website customization. A new user can stroll through thousands of themes, and a pro can custom code a theme to suit their taste. That’s all good and helpful, but there is an easier way for newbies and pros alike to create a custom design for their website.

Why BestBuild?

BestBuild is a premium WordPress theme made by StylemixThemes with a very exceptional approach which included thorough research of the real needs and preferences of companies in Construction-related business. As a result, professional design of the theme complemented by its excellent features which many of the buyers don’t leave unnoticed and unappreciated.

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