The Author

Christine Taylor

Christine is an avid dabbler in subject matters decidedly outside of her expertise and have spent the last year and a half, in particular, delving into the world of online marketing and all things WordPress-related. Having filled the shoes of freelancer, entrepreneur, consultant, and previous worker bee who was not all that technologically gifted, she's a strong advocate for website design solutions that are accessible and approachable to a wide spectrum of professional and technical backgrounds.

Articles written by Christine Taylor

How Jupiter Helped a Humanitarian Web Designer Create Stunning Websites for Nonprofit Organizations

Throughout the evolution of Artbees we have been privileged to witness the birth of thousands of beautifully crafted websites created by our own users. One of the sectors which is getting powered by Artbees Themes is non-profits. In our interview with Micah Blumental we’re discussing the capabilities Jupiter has to offer to empower great websites for non-profits for a very low price.