The Author

David Scott

David is currently the PR & Corporate Communications Manager for Envato, the company behind one of the worlds largest communities for digital creatives. A former journalist, he has more than 15 years experience working in the tech, higher education and tabletop games sectors.

Articles written by David Scott

Flexible Template Kits Arrive On WordPress

Flexible Template Kits Arrive On WordPress

Envato’s David Scott talks to some WordPress heavy hitters about Template Kits, as well as the future of theme design and page builders.

Launching Template Kits is our latest response to the growing demand for page builders and customers looking for design inspiration that is simple and easy to apply to their websiteΒ We increasingly see customers wanting to develop websites from a page builder foundation rather than a full WordPress theme. For these customers, Template Kits will provide a leg up on design, and it’s important we continue to support these changing needs”

Hosting Survey 2024

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