The Author

Ivi Silvasi

Ivi is a professional writer at Ait Themes. Ait Themes is a developer of multilingual WordPress Themes. Ait Themes specialises in directory and listings WordPress Themes. 9+ years of experience on the market & 85k happy customers worldwide.

Articles written by Ivi Silvasi

Business Finder featured img

How to Make Money via Directory WordPress Themes: Basic Rules and Ways of Advertising

At the birth of a new business directory website, there is a great idea and determination to create something big. But how to proceed so that your website starts making some earnings as soon as possible?

First you should choose a directory WordPress Theme for your website. By choosing the WordPress Theme you’ll save a lot of money compared to the custom made website. And you’ll also save a lot of time. All the important features are already included in the templates. Or they are easily available as the extension plugins.

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