The Author

Jiya Gurnani

As a dedicated full-time writer, I can deal with all the niches of internet marketing. I found my passion in writing 3 years’ back. My work is always thoroughly researched so that the readers find it interesting and worth reading. I handle various blogs and have expertise in writing different topics related to internet marketing.

Articles written by Jiya Gurnani

How to Create an Event Listing Website in Less than 30 Minutes: Detailed Walkthrough

Events are probably the best ways to increase your social connections. Many pro bloggers and website owners have gained popularity and build a good reputation by attending various events. It is a platform where compatible people meet and influence big audiences. To make a way thru this, you need to create an event listing website where both attendees and organizers can come together for the shared event. Within a few minutes,you can create a detailed listing with an event description, images, and online registration form.

How to Select Best Event Management Plugin for Your Site

In this post, we are going to cover the different elements of WP Event Manager which others plugins lack. You will get the full information about what WP Event Manager plugin can do better than others to create your event listing website quickly. To just have a brief about the plugin- WP Event Manager is an open source, lightweight, scalable and feature-rich plugin.

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