The Author

Mark Zahra

Mark is the CEO behind the WP Mayor project. He has been using WordPress since 2012, joining the WP Mayor team in 2014. Since then, he has helped to review, test, and write about hundreds of WordPress products and services; educating the community of millions of WordPress users around the globe.

Articles written by Mark Zahra

Best WordPress eCommerce Plugins for Bloggers

3 Best WordPress eCommerce Plugins for Bloggers

Discover the best WordPress eCommerce plugins for bloggers: SureCart, WooCommerce, and Ecwid. Perfect for all levels of bloggers looking to monetize and expand their reach using free tools.

GravityView Review

GravityView Review: Enhance Your WordPress Forms into Dynamic Web Apps

Unlock the full potential of your Gravity Forms with GravityView. Dive into our comprehensive review to discover how you can create dynamic web applications like directories, job boards, and more without any coding knowledge. Find out if GravityView is the right solution for your WordPress site.

WP Remote Review

WP Remote: Elevate Your Workflow With Cutting-Edge Site Management Solutions

Get to know WP Remote, a solution designed to reduce the complexity of managing various WordPress installations. It streamlines updates, backups, security, and performance checks onto a single user-friendly dashboard. It helps you maintain site health and security, with the utmost ease.

Are the 2023 WordPress Annual Survey Results Reflecting Reality in 2024_

Do WordPress’ Annual Survey Results Reflect Reality in 2024?

We delve into the recent WordPress annual user survey covered by SEJ, uncovering the real sentiments behind the data. From the Gutenberg editor’s challenges to plugin management woes, we dissect the frustrations and offer a balanced perspective on WordPress’s future.

Hosting Survey 2024

Are you happy with your hosting provider or are you over-paying for too little? Have your say below!

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How happy are you with your host?*

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