The Author

Robert Abela

Robert Abela is the Founder and CEO of Melapress, a company dedicated to developing robust security and user management plugins for WordPress, that help administrators protect their sites and streamline user management. The Melapress plugins are installed on hundreds of thousands of websites.

Articles written by Robert Abela

The Vital Role Of Logs In WordPress Security

This is the last part of the three article series about how activity logs can help WordPress site administrators. In this third and last article we will see how activity logs can help WordPress site administrators like you to improve the security of your WordPress site and track down the source and damage in a post-hack scenario (forensics).

WordPress Audit Trail

How WordPress Audit Logs Improve User Accountability

When you have a WordPress site with multiple users contributing to it, you need to keep a record of everything that happens on your WordPress site in a WordPress audit trail (activity log). This is the first article in a 3 part series that covers the importance of activity logs in WordPress

WordPress Security - Beyond WordPress Security Plugins

WordPress Security – Beyond WordPress Security Plugins

This article explains why the security of your WordPress blogs and websites should not solely depend on WordPress security plugins. It also looks into other attack surfaces a typical WordPress installation hasΒ and gives a brief overview of what you can do to address these potential attack surfaces.

WordPress Security Based on Facts and Statistics

WordPress has become a common target for malicious hackers because it is easy to break into. Just last year over 170,000 WordPress blogs and websites were hacked, and for 2013 the number of hacked WordPress sites is expected to increase even more.

Why is it so when WordPress itself is a very secure platform? Let’s have a look at some statistics from last year’s incidents and learn from them so your WordPress is not the next target.

The security of YOUR WordPress is YOUR responsibility!

Most probably from time to time you felt the need, or tried to secure your WordPress installation. You feel such urge because one of your websites got hacked, or a fellow blogger’s WordPress got hacked and infected with malware. Maybe you have heard the marketing mantra β€œIf your WordPress website or blog is your main source of income, keep it secure and malware free to succeed in the online world!”. It might be a marketing mantra and scaremongering from security companies, but it is the truth!

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