The Author

Rafay Saeed Ansari

Rafay is an entrepreneur, computer scientist, professional writer for several high-traffic websites, and founder of Blogginc. He provides byline and ghost-writing services for digital and brick-and-mortar businesses with a focus on web development, WordPress, and entrepreneurship.

Articles written by Rafay Saeed Ansari

Content Curation

7 Ways to Take Content Curation to the Next Level

One of the biggest disadvantages of content marketing is finding the time to produce quality content. As an online business owner, there are hundreds of other things that you need to take care of. That said, creative content production is the key to business growth. Whether you’re new to blogging

How to Add a Stream of Your Published Articles to WordPress

Aggregating all of your blog posts and articlesΒ in a single platform can be a daunting task β€”Β especially if you have a large collection of digital content published across the web. But once you’ve got it up there, your online portfolio showcases that you can walk the walkΒ and not just talk

Custom content curation site.

How to Set Up a Custom Content Curation Site With WordPress

Automated content curation may save you a significant amount of time with creating and publishing content on your site but is it really worth it from a marketing standpoint? In this post, we’ll show you how you can set up a custom content curation site.

Create the Blog of All Blogs to Rule the Foodie World

Do you like reading cookbooks the way most people read novels? Are you constantly posting pictures of your food to Instagram? Does your RSS reader update you on the latest recipes? If you’re nodding in agreement then chances are that you’re a foodie. Find out how you can create a one-stop food curation site!

A Beginners Guide to Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

RSS allows users to consume content easily by collecting new posts from your favorite sources and importing them to an RSS feed. In thisΒ beginner’s guide to Really Simple Syndication (RSS), we will introduce you to the absolute basics of RSSΒ β€” what you need to know in order to get started with using RSS.

How Stock Photos Can Damage Your Site

On one hand stock photography makes it easy to supplement your written content with imagery while on the other it might be damaging your site. Find out how to pick out the right stock images in this post!

Supplement Your Existing Content with WP RSS Aggregator

Supplement Your Existing Content with WP RSS Aggregator

Writing great content for your website isn’t as easy as it sounds.Β In order to successfully build a thriving web presence for your business or blog, you’ll have to put in a lot of regular time and effort into content creation. In this post, we’ll show you how to supplement your existing content with the WP RSS Aggregator plugin.


How to Import Great Content for a Quality Newsletter

Newsletters are a great way to increase traffic to your site, boost sales, and connect with your site’s readers. In this post, we’ll show you how you can create a weekly newsletter with the WP RSS Aggregator plugin.

wp rss aggregator plugin

How to Import Posts from Your Old CMS to WordPress

Moving posts from your old CMS to WordPress is a breeze with the WP RSS Aggregator plugin. In this post, we’ll show you how to move all of your posts and articles from both Joomla and Drupal onto your new WordPress site with the Feed to Post add-on.

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