The Author

Swati Gole

Swati is a nature-freak, loves traveling and capturing unforgettable memories along the way. She loves singing and driving - often, both at the same time. Her favorite passtime is to hangout with her family and friends. She believes in work hard and party harder. Swati is responsible for updating DealFuel blogs - a daily deals site for web designers and developers with some really good deals and freebies. Get in touch with her on Twitter & Faceboook

Articles written by Swati Gole

Online Appointment Booking Plugin

Boost Your Revenue by 3X with WP Appointment Booking Plugin

Scheduling appointments can be a nightmare, particularly for service-based businesses. If you made a scheduling error or took in some wrong information, it can mess up your entire timetable. Worse, it can severely damage your name and reputation. But there’s an excellent solution to avoid scheduling mishaps from happening. That’s

Content Marketing GIFs

Importance of GIF in 2017 – 12 Reasons to Use Content Marketing GIFs

Believe it or not, GIFs have been around since the late 1980s. However, it is only now in today’s Internet age that they have virtually blown up. From Buzz-feed till local indie content creator, GIFs have become the new medium for striking conversations.

Recently, Facebook, Skype, Whatsapp, and Twitter have all increased support for GIFs. Perhaps it is due to these social platforms becoming more welcoming of the GIF technology and integrating them into their environments that GIFs have become undeniably attractive.

Web design bundles

10 Web Design Bundles for the Most Visually Appealing Design Projects

For the experienced web designer, this is not too hard to achieve. For the newbie, it can be quite frustrating. But thanks to the internet, there are many web design elements available to help even the least experienced designer to create outstanding designs.

To help you come up with tasteful, visually appealing designs, we have rounded up 10 of the best web design bundles currently available either free or at a hugely discounted price.

successful website

10 Secrets of a Successful Website to Attract More Visitors

A successful website today needs to be a league ahead of the others. There are so many websites created every day that just don’t make the cut.

Designers come up with some creative ideas but still they fall short. Here’s taking a look at how to create websites that stand apart and drive more revenue for the webmasters.

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