The Author

Vishal Kothari

Vishal Kothari is the Founder & CEO of Tyche Softwares with a background in PHP & Linux. Vishal wears many hats including writing, coding & spearheading Tyche.

Articles written by Vishal Kothari

How to Organize Events Easily

How to Organize Events Easily

Event planning comes in all shapes and sizes. You could be a corporate event organizer or you could be organizing summer camps or funfairs. There are movie screenings, music concerts, performance shows like open mics or poetry slams and standup comedy. Booking is a crucial aspect of any event organization activity, and the sooner you bring it into your fold, the faster you can build a customer base for yourself rather than rely on third parties.

Why You Need An Online Booking System

Why You Need An Online Booking System

You have a tried and tested method of doing business; an office management system, full of spreadsheets that everyone can keep a track of. So why do you need an online booking system? There are many myths about moving to an online booking system – from it being too expensive,

representative photo of salon

Turn Your Salon Site into a Booking Platform

Going online seems like a gigantic, expensive, bulky move for a business like a salon, but thanks to the affordable solutions available, you don’t have to choose between accepting bookings online and exercising fiscal prudence.

You can do both at an affordable cost by investing in a Booking and Appointment plugin such as the one from Tyche Softwares.

Transform Your Gym with a Booking Plugin

Using a single WordPress plugin, on average priced less than two monthly memberships, you can allow customers to make any number of reservations, book appointments with trainers, and much more. Whether you want to have day-based bookings, or date-based, or both, the Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce by Tyche is a great choice for better management and efficiency.

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