Simplify Authors Payments Management with Post Pay Counter

If you are running a multi-author website, you certainly know that paying out writers is not exactly the most exciting task of your routine. You usually have to look at each post, compute its value depending on length, visits, ads revenues, and other custom criteria; then you need to sum up all post values from a single author and finally pay him. Repeat for all your writers. What if this waste of time could be eliminated? The free WordPress plugin Post Pay Counter will get the hassle off of you. It automates every part of payments management and frees time that can be used for more productive matters.
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If you are running a multi-author website, you certainly know that paying out writers is not exactly the most exciting task of your routine. You usually have to look at each post, compute its value depending on length, visits, ads revenues, and other custom criteria; then you need to sum up all posts value from a single author and finally pay him. Repeat for all your writers. What if this waste of time could be eliminated?

The free WordPress plugin Post Pay Counter will get the hassle off of you. It automates every part of payments management and frees time that can be used for more productive matters.

How it works

Post Pay Counter comes with a Stats page that displays due payments for each author. Along with payments, a detailed summary of how that payment was calculated is available: you can see how many words, visits, etc. authors are being paid for, and clicking on an author’s username will get you to their own detailed view, in which the payment details are broken down post by post, with details for each of them. This way you will know exactly what you are paying your writers for.


It probably suit your needs

The plugin allows a variety of payment criteria, of which an arbitrary combination can be chosen in the Options page. First of all, you can have a basic payment, which is assigned to all posts as a starting point. On top of that, posts can be paid depending on the number of words, visits, comments and images they have.

There are addons that make other payment criteria available, such as Analytics visits, Adsense revenues and Facebook shares/likes. It’s also possible to pay proof-readers basing on the number of posts they publish.

All payment criteria allow to set maximum limits (eg. stop paying per visit after 3000 views) and the way payment should be computed: you can either define the value of one element or set up a zonal system, in which money is awarded to posts depending on the zone it fits into. For example, you could say that “one word is worth .01”, so 50 words will be worth .50, or “between 1 and 5 images give .75”, so a post with any number of images between 1 and 5 would earn .75.


Post Pay Counter also allows to set different settings for different users. This is especially useful if your staff is manifold. For example, suppose your staff was made of some average writers, a couple newbies and some high-skilled seniors: you would probably like to specify different payment values for each of them. You can. And you can even keep other users unaware of the fact they are being treated differently from the others, if wished.

It is also possible to only allow users to see their own stats and hide certain columns of the stats table from selected users. Also, you may restrict the plugin to work with specific post types and user roles, so that it only computes payments you are interested into.


Payment managing and further features

The PRO addon also allows to keep track of past payments, so that you don’t risk double-paying au author and immediately know how much you should be paying him, without having to deduct past payments amounts. Past transactions are available for review with all details.

Besides that, you can also pay with PayPal directly from the stats page, display the stats table wherever you need with an apt shortcode and export stats as a CSV file.



Adopting Post Pay Counter is free and will rid you from calculating each month authors’ pay, allowing to spend that time in valuable activities for you business.

An italian maths student, Stefano has been writing tech articles since he was a child. He later got involved in programming, and has been a WordPress plugin developer for several years now. He has founded a no-profit to help kids explore science in a practical and funny way. Among the things he likes are hiking, taking good photos, explaining difficult things in simple terms and books.

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