Best WordPress Plugin for Re ordering Posts and Pages

Changing the order of posts is something very convenient within a WordPress blog, and thankfully we've always had a few plugins that did the job very well, even providing us with an Ajax interface which made this task really easy and intuitive.
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Changing the order of posts is something very convenient within a WordPress blog, and thankfully we’ve always had a few plugins that did the job very well, even providing us with an Ajax interface which made this task really easy and intuitive.

My favourite one isΒ the excellentΒ Simple Page OrderingΒ plugin.

simple page ordering

Order your pages, hierarchical custom post types, or custom post types with “page-attributes” with simple drag and drop right from the built in page list.

Simply drag and drop the page into the desired position. It’s that simple. No new admin menus pages, no clunky, bolted on user interfaces. Just drag and drop on the page or post-type screen.

The plug-in is “capabilities aware” – only users with the ability to edit others’ pages (editors and administrators) will be able to reorder content.

Integrated help is included: just click the “help” tab at the top right of the screen.

The only problem with Simple Page Ordering is that it only reorders pages and hierarchical custom post types.

If you need support for Posts or non-hierarchical custom post types, I suggest the excellent Intuitive Custom Post Order which I’ve used successfully to re-order products on my online plugin shop at Unfortunately if you’re using this plugin it will prevent SearchWP from working properly, so keep it in mind if you plan to run both those plugins on your site.

Jean Galea is an investor, entrepreneur, and blogger. He is the founder of WP Mayor, the plugins WP RSS Aggregator and Spotlight, as well as the podcast. His personal blog can be found at

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12 Responses

  1. Clarifying: what I see is that the page hierarchy is influenced in the wrong way when I drag and drop. I have a main page, then 5 pages of which that page is the parent. Then I want to move another main page to the bottom of the page list and it then gets the ___ and the wrong parent page.

    Is there a solution? Or am I better off deleting this plugin?

  2. It does not work for me. I thought I had it figured out but when I moved away from the Pages list and then went back, nothing was preserved. What am I missing?

    I saw a remark about Ajax but I am not technical and that does not mean anything to me.

  3. “I love the first plugin, even if I haven’t implemented it yet. It’s a great way of interacting with reader, plus I find that people who comment & don’t see β€œYour comment is in moderation” think that there comment was lost (which it isn’t, just in the mod queue). The only thing I’d like is for it to be used for every commenter πŸ™‚

    You should know where I stand on dofollow comments, I don’t like it, but it does it’s job πŸ™‚

    Quick question, what’s the difference between the two backup plugins?”

  4. this plugin in wordpress 4.6.1 doesnt work, πŸ™
    don’t know why, but in older version do work perfec.

  5. if you want to sort by some criteria (title, author, custom field etc.), you can try a new plugin for sorting any content type, i just added to wordpress repository πŸ™‚

  6. I have to admit I tried this plugin, but I prefered CMS Page Order. For my pages, cause it works with a Tree structure.

  7. I love this blog. Actually I challenged myself trying to create one like this too, however I am not having the know-how on how to do it. Tell me about this “WordPress” all about? Is it difficult? Need I be smart in computers to put together a blog? I want to make a blog for my learn english writing for students website. Can WordPress be meshed into an existing website?

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