BLINK newsletter banner.

How often do you receive emails asking for backlinks, guest posts, or expert quotes? And how many do you actually respond to?

If you’re like us, you probably ignore 99% of them. That’s whyΒ I want to connect you directly to the 1% that matter.

Introducing BLINK

Business Links. Insights, and Knowledge.

BLINK is all about creating connections and discovering new collaboration opportunities. Think of it as “HARO” for the WordPress community.Β For example:

  • Ask for expert quotes for your blog posts.
  • Look for guest posting opportunities.
  • Request a product inclusion on another blog.


Thank you again for putting this together. InfluenceWP was able to form partnerships with all but one company […] Heck of a thing you’ve put together.Β  –Β  Ryan Logan, InfluenceWP

Who Is This For?

  • WordPress plugin businesses
  • WordPress theme businesses
  • Hosting companies
  • SaaS companies
  • Solo product developers

How It Works

  • Sign up below.
  • Fill out theΒ request form.
  • Wait for the next BLINK newsletter to be sent.
  • Await new opportunities in your inbox.

The Cost

It’s free. This is all about creating new connections. All I ask is that you keep WP Mayor in mind for your product’s marketing strategyΒ and most importantly, play fair when collaborating.

Sign up to BLINK

Hosting Survey 2024

Are you happy with your hosting provider or are you over-paying for too little? Have your say below!

"*" indicates required fields

What's the main reason you picked this host?*
How happy are you with your host?*

OPTIONAL: If you'd like to receive the results of this survey, please enter your details below.