Calling WordPress Users From Around the World

Today's post is a call to WordPress users and developers all around the world to share with us the state of WordPress in their surroundings. We all know that WordPress is used extensively in the USA, Australia, UK and India, but what about the other countries?

Today’s post is a call to WordPress users and developers all around the world to share with us the state of WordPress in their surroundings. We all know that WordPress is used extensively in the USA, Australia, UK and India, but what about the other countries?

Let us know in the comments section whether WordPress is popular in your country or not, and what your hopes are for the future.

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Picture of Jean Galea
Jean Galea is an investor, entrepreneur, and blogger. He is the founder of WP Mayor, the plugins WP RSS Aggregator and Spotlight, as well as the podcast. His personal blog can be found at

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26 Responses

  1. Hi from Croatia! / Pozdrav iz Hrvatske!

    WP is in rise even here, especially appreciated by individuals in comparison with the companies who use likes to “brand” their “super-turbo secure and fantastic CMS, much better then WP”, but in fact they are (very often) taking WP CMS as a base and upgrading it / branding it according to their desires/visions.

    However, I see tendencies of increasing usage of WP in Croatia and the whole south-east region and in the same time slow (but steadily) decrease of Joomla and other CMS-s. This is my personal opinion built on web articles and contacts with other friends/acquaintance.

    “The only way is up, WordPress!” πŸ™‚

    1. Interesting Ivica, thanks for that insight, situation seems very similar to what we are experiencing with WordPress in Malta.

  2. I see a lot of WordPress sites in Holland (The Netherlands), especially company websites. For just ‘blogging’ I think people use Blogger and other such better known and hosted tools.

    I myself have started using WordPress some 4 years ago and am now making almost ALL of the sites I build with WordPress. The huge stack of plug-ins helps a lot to cater for almost every sort of company/target.

    1. WordPress looks like it’s doing very well in Holland. I think the influence of heavyweights such as Joost de Valk at conferences and of course on his site will have persuaded many other Dutch developers and users.

  3. Howdy from Bulgaria!

    There are several mid-level companies here using WordPress but so far it is sitll a major market for solo entrepreneurs, small agencies and freelancers. There are several authors publishing on ThemeForest and other theme markets as well as contributing back to the community. As far as I know, 4 Automattic employees reside here (I personally know two of them) but as the majority of WordPress developers and designers, they work for foreign companies.

    Good thing is that there is a high activity on WordCamps here but there are a lot of bloggers that attend for writing reasons.

    1. Very nice Mario, good to know this, I wasn’t aware that there is such an active level of usage in Bulgaria.

  4. Thanks for your input guys πŸ˜€ Glad to hear WordPress is popular in these countries!

  5. I am a WordPress developer living in Toronto, Canada. WordPress certainly has become pretty popular over the last few years whether as a blogging platform or as a complete website package.

    Toronto has several large agencies with big name clients. These projects utilize either a custom CMS or a non-open source platform like “Agility”. These are great solutions for companies with huge budgets, but for small to medium size business who are in need of a revamp or getting a site together WordPress is becoming the CMS of choice.

  6. Here in the Netherlands it’s a pretty hot item. We have some WordCamp conferences and WordPress meetups and a lot of dutch websites use WordPress as a CMS. My company is now fulltime developing WordPress websites.

  7. WordPress is alive and well in Denmark. I use it for all my own customers and it’s widely used throughout the country among small to medium sites. As far as I know.

  8. Hi, my name is Andrea and I am writing from Italy. Here WordPress is not very popular for building a website, most of the web agencies around prefer to develop their own CMS and sell them to the client.

    But I am sure that soon even here the people will understand the importance and the power of WordPress and will start to using it!

    For this reason I choose to open an edu blog regarding WordPress!

    1. Thanks for your comment Andrea, I am sure the situation will change soon and clients will start looking for WordPress and other open source solutions. Here in Malta we are experiencing this shift already.

      Mi fa piacere leggere notizie di WordPress in Italiano, ti faccio I complimenti per questa iniziattiva, in bocca al lupo!

      1. Thanks for your appreciation Jean!
        From this I’ll start to insert plenty of videotutorials, so if you would like to pop in for some wordpress italian news you’re welcome!

        1. Excellent looking forward to that, when you do so let me know, we can even feature you in a separate post πŸ™‚

  9. This is one of the most interesting topics on WordPress I have read for a while for now. First, I couldn’t understand the relevance but the comment on China’s scenario is very insightful. In India, I can see lot of websites using WordPress. But what is lacking is an active community as found in US.

    1. That’s interesting Ravi, I can tell you that this site gets the 3rd highest number of visitors from India (after US and Canada), which means that there are lots of people interested in
      WordPress. It would be interesting to look into the reasons of such a lack of community.

  10. In Malta, where I’m currently based, the situation is improving. The market used to be flooded with vendors marketing their own custom built CMSs, but over the last two or so years there has been a marked increase in interest towards Open Source solutions like WordPress. The government itself is also favouring Open Source when issuing tenders for department websites.

  11. I’m an Aussie living in Japan and recently found out how big WordPress is here. If you’re interested, here is a video from WordBeach 2011 (late last year in Nagoya, Japan’s third largest city).

    (and yes, it’s in English!)

    That’s me in the middle being interviewed, trying to act like some kind of WordPress expert, on the right is Naoko McCracken from Automattic. She talked about how big the WordPress community is in Japan. Was an interesting day (what I could understand of it anyway).

  12. I’ve never seen a decent website made in Zimbabwe. I’ve done a few so far using WordPress though. There are some “web design agencies” here that download WordPress templates and charge business over US$10000 for it. Joomla seems more popular in Southern Africa for websites.

      1. I wish! People here don’t seem to appreciate the difference in quality between my work and others. If only… πŸ™

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