Getting Rid of your WordPress Passwords

How often do you forget your password? If you’re like the rest of us, it seems like it happens every other minute. Passwords are one of the worst parts of the web. They are a constant blockade between where we are and where we need to be, they waste billions of dollars worth of time every year, and creating a new one feels worse than cleaning a toilet. On top of all that, we have to remember more than 25 of them!
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How often do you forget your password? If you’re like theΒ rest of us, it seems like it happens every other minute.

Passwords are one of the worst parts of the web. They are a constant blockade between where we are and where we need to be, they wasteΒ billions of dollarsΒ worth of time every year, and creating a new one feels worse thanΒ cleaning a toilet. On top of all that, we have to rememberΒ more than 25Β of them!

The problem is, human brains aren’t built to store random combinations of letters and numbers, so more often than not our passwords don’t even protect us. The WordPress security team lists passwords as theΒ weakest linkΒ the security of anything you do online and literallyΒ hundreds of thousandsΒ of sites are hacked every year, many by attackers breaking weak passwords.

Clef is a new WordPressΒ security plugin that’s changing that.

WithΒ Clef, you hold up your phone once and you’re instantlyβ€”and securelyβ€”logged in to all of your sites on any computer. It feels a little bit like magic.

After your first sync, you can log in to every Clef-connected site with just one click. Then, when you click the logout button on your phone, you’re instantly logged out everywhere. Passwords stop blocking your way and you can get on with your day.

The plugin uses two-factor authentication and builds on secureΒ asymmetric cryptography, that would take computersΒ billions of yearsΒ to crack. Plus, it uses a distributed architecture, which means that even if a hacker did access their database, there would be no passwords to stealβ€”they’d be no closer to hacking your site!

Clef’sΒ plugin for WordPressΒ takesΒ less than a minuteΒ to install and setupβ€Š β€”β€Š go protect your site today!

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Alyona is a WordPress enthusiast, focused on sharing interesting things she comes across during her work with this great CMS. She loves exploring new destinations and maintains a travel blog at

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