Happy Birthday! WP Mayor is 1 Year Old!

A big happy birthday to the WordPress mayor! :) Yes, WPMayor is one year old, on this day one year ago we had published our first post, fittingly a welcome to this new WordPress blog. It's been a great year and I'm really excited and proud with what we've managed to achieve in one year. Most importantly, we have received many notes of thanks from readers, and we are very glad to have contributed in our small way to the fantastic WordPress community.
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A big happy birthday to the WordPress mayor!

Yes, WP Mayor is one year old, on this day one year ago we had published our first post, fittingly a welcome to this new WordPress blog.

It’s been a great year and I’m really excited and proud with what we’ve managed to achieve in one year. Most importantly, we have received many notes of thanks from readers, and we are very glad to have contributed in our small way to the fantastic WordPress community.

Here are some of our achievements during the past year:

  • A steady rise in traffic, reaching the 17,000 unique visitors/month mark (Google Analytics).
  • Around 100 published posts.
  • Twitter followers: 7,100+
  • 250+ comments (thanks!)
  • Alexa Rank: 58,333

We’ve had a number of popular posts in the past few months. Here are some of the best:

Want to support the growth of WPMayor? There are several options for doing so:

and most importantly, keep on reading our posts about WordPress!

During the past months we’ve also been actively promoting daily WordPress jobs available all around the globe, seeing that the majority of our readers are WP developers, designers and bloggers. We’ve also made it possible for you to post jobs directly to the site (Update Feb 2013: feature removed), and we hope you find this useful. The constant stream of jobs is a testament to the continuous rise in WordPress usage levels.

Finally I’d like to thankΒ Carma Leichty, who has recently joined us as a regular contributor and is doing a great job in helping us publish a constant stream of interesting posts.

Cheers to another successful year!

Do you have any feedback? Let us know in the comments section below, we’re all ears! Any comments on how we can improve our site are very welcome!

Jean Galea is an investor, entrepreneur, and blogger. He is the founder of WP Mayor, the plugins WP RSS Aggregator and Spotlight, as well as the Mastermind.fm podcast. His personal blog can be found at jeangalea.com.

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All suggestions are anonymous.

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6 Responses

  1. Amazing. I thought WPMayor was quite successful and should be around its three or four years. Just one year! That’s really amazing. Keep up the good work!

  2. Congratulations! I like your blog a lot! Information I find here helps me very much in my work! Well done! Continue this way! Wish you a good luck and success in your business!

  3. Happy Birthday! You’ve done a great job with this blog, Jean! It’s a privilege to be a part of this community.

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