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Jupiter X Theme Review: A Flexible Theme Powered By Elementor

The original Jupiter theme is one of the best-selling themes ever at ThemeForest, with well over 100,000 sales and a 4.75-star rating on over 4,500 reviews. Jupiter X, a theme from Artbees,is a makeover of that popular theme that aims to let you customize your entire WordPress site to create a website that's unique to you.

This article was written by our experts using our in-depth analysis methodology.

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The original Jupiter theme is one of the best-selling themes ever at ThemeForest, with well over 100,000 sales and a 4.75-star rating on over 4,500 reviews.

Jupiter X, a theme from Artbees, is a makeover of that popular theme that aims to let you customize your entire WordPress site to create a website that’s unique to you.

To help you do that, Jupiter X is bundled with the popular Elementor page builder, comes with built-in header/footer builder based on Elementor, and offers a powerful site customizer that lets you tweak a ton of small details about your site’s style and layout.

Keep reading my Jupiter X theme review to see it in action.

Jupiter X Theme Review: A Look At The Features

Whenever I review a theme, I like to start off with a look at some of the demo sites because looks are, after all, the key driver in how most of us choose a theme.

Jupiter X comes with over 150 pre-made websites, so I definitely won’t be able to show you every single permutation. But here are some of my favorite demo sites to give you an idea of what you can import from day one.

All of these are built with Elementor, so you’ll be able to easily customize them as needed.

First, there’s this bold Bellona template that makes a great option for a creative portfolio:

jupiter x theme review demo

If you want something a little more traditional, the Aglaea template makes a good option for a business site:

business site

And if you’re running an eCommerce store, the Alagonia demo site has a really creative homepage:

All of the pre-made websites include the .PSD files, as well.

The Feature List

Now that you have an idea of what the theme might look like, let’s dig into the features.

First, Jupiter X is heavily integrated with Elementor, which you’ll use to build a lot of your site. With Elementor, you can design your:

  • Pages
  • Blog archive
  • Header/footer

To make the free version of Elementor a lot more powerful, Jupiter X comes bundled with some flexible Elementor extensions (Jet Elements and Raven).

Speaking of bundled plugins, you also get access to:

  • Advanced Custom Fields Pro
  • Menu Icons by ThemeIsle
  • Slider Revolution / Master Slider / Layer Slider

And you also get:

  • Detailed WordPress Customizer controls
  • Detailed controls for individual posts/pages

Jupiter X Theme Pricing

So how much will that functionality cost you? Right now, Jupiter X is priced about the same as your average premium theme at $59. It’s sold through ThemeForest, so you’ll get standard Envato licensing with that (6 months of support and lifetime updates).

Using The Jupiter X Theme

Now let’s take things more hands-on!

Immediately after installing the Jupiter X theme, it will prompt you to install the companion Jupiter X Core plugin:

jupiter x plugin

Once you install the companion plugin and activate your license key, you’ll get this Control Panel area:

jupiter x control panel

Installing Required Plugins

If you go to the Plugins tab, you can install all the required plugins right from there. While it’s a small thing, I like that it looks better than the normal WordPress interface for required plugins:

install plugins

Setting Up Image Sizes And Other Settings

In the Image Sizes tab, Jupiter X makes it easy to register your own thumbnail image sizes:

images sizes

And the Settings tab lets you add your Google Analytics ID or other tracking codes. This basically makes it easy to insert scripts at a few different parts of your site:

add scripts

Importing Templates

After you’ve installed the required plugins and configured the basic settings, you’re ready to import some of the pre-made templates (if desired).

To do this, you go to the Templates tab where you can:

  • Browse all of the templates
  • Filter by categories
  • Search for templates by name
import templates

You can preview a template by clicking the Preview button. Then, when you want to import it, you can, unsurprisingly, just click the Import button and Jupiter X will do everything for you.

You can also choose whether or not to import the images and video. As the theme warns, the images and video are copyrighted, so you do not have the legal rights to use them unless you purchase your own license:

impoort content

Then, you wait a little bit and you have a site that looks exactly like the demo!

Customizing Your Site

One of the areas where Jupiter X shines is how it uses the WordPress Customizer. It has an approach that I haven’t seen before. And after using it, I’m a fan.

When you open up the Customizer, you get the normal sidebar with a list of all the areas that you can customize:

wordpress customizer

However, when you click on an option that isn’t part of the core WordPress settings, you get this popup instead of the regular set of sidebar options:


This is the part of Jupiter X’s Customizer approach that I like – the sidebar interface isn’t always the most user-friendly, especially for lots of settings. This approach is much nicer.

Now, it can get in the way of the real-time preview a bit. But you can drag the box around if it’s blocking something important:

As you’ll see in the next two sections, you’ll make a lot of your changes using Elementor. But the WordPress Customizer controls still give you pretty good depth.

You can control:

  • Blog archive/single layouts
  • Fonts and typography
  • Basic header functionality
  • Sidebars
  • Footers
  • Portfolio items
  • Basic pages – you can sync your search, 404, and maintenance pages up to Elementor templates, which is a really neat feature

Using Elementor (On Steroids)

This isn’t an Elementor review, so I won’t touch too much on how Elementor works. I will say that Elementor is personally my favorite page builder at this point, so I love that Jupiter X made the choice to use it rather than something like WPBakery Page Builder.

Beyond acting as the basis for the individual pages that get imported with a template, you’ll also use Elementor in some other ways (more on that next!).

As I told you above, Jupiter X comes bundled with both the Jet Elements plugin and Artbees’ own Raven plugin, so you get a ton more widgets than you otherwise would with the free version of Elementor:

new elementor widgets

That means you actually have a surprisingly deep level of control over your content. Thanks to these two add-ons, you actually get access to more widgets than if you purchased Elementor Pro.

You also have lots of post and portfolio widgets, which lets you use Elementor to create your blog archive pages (which the theme actually does by default).

This is great because it means you can customize your blog layout in pretty much an infinite number of ways:

And beyond all the new widgets, you also get a ton of page and block templates dedicated to Jupiter X:


Jupiter X’s header/footer builder is also based on Elementor.

While normally you’d need Elementor Pro to add the header/footer builder, Artbees gets around this because their Raven plugin also includes header/footer functionality.

To create a new header/footer or manage the existing ones, you can go to Elementor → My Templates:

header footer templates

Then, you’ll be able to design your header or footer using that same familiar Elementor interface.

To insert things like a navigation menu or your site’s logo, you can use the new widgets that are added by the Raven plugin:

All in all, I really like this approach over trying to go with their own proprietary header/footer builder.

By keeping everything to Elementor, you get to benefit from the entire Elementor ecosystem (including both other Elementor extensions and all the Elementor help articles/videos that you can find).

New Meta Box For Individual Content

Beyond the WordPress Customizer and Elementor, you also get a new meta box for individual posts and pages that lets you further customize how your content works. As you’ll see in the screenshots, this meta box is indeed compatible with WordPress 5.0 and the Gutenberg block editor.

You have a ton of control here. You can:

  • Disable/modify the header
  • Change the main content area, including stuff like featured image, sidebars, spacing, etc.
  • Change the title bar (the text that appears right beneath a piece of content’s title)
  • Disable/modify the footer

Shop Customiser

Jupiter X Shop Customiser also helps to customize your WooCommerce shop pages and experiences. It offers multiple templates to choose from for your shop single pages as well. Here’s what you can customize with Shop Customizer.

  • You can enable, disable or customize most of the elements in your product list and choose what you want to be displayed to customers: image, rating, category, name, rating, price and more.
  • You can enable, disable or customize most of the elements in WooCommerce product single page.
  • You can customise the appearance of checkout, cart and category pages.
  • You can either customise a default product page or use a pre-made one. There are multiple pre-made layouts for your shop single page to choose from.
  • Make your Shop widgets match your brand and color palette.

Final Thoughts On Jupiter X

As I mentioned before, Elementor is my favorite page builder, so I might be a little biased. But in my opinion, I think Jupiter X and Elementor’s integration makes it super easy and user-friendly to customize your entire site.

The key is really the addition of Jet Elements and the Raven plugin. With them, you’re not only able to bring Elementor into your header/footer, but you also get access to a ton of widgets to give you more control.

Beyond the reliance on Elementor, I also like Jupiter X’s approach to the WordPress Customizer and how it uses the floating popup.

If you don’t like Elementor, you might not like Jupiter X. But if you like the idea of being able to:

  • Choose from a bunch of pre-built templates
  • Customize almost all of your site with visual drag-and-drop editing
  • Tweak individual content on a per-post basis

Then I think that you will like Jupiter X.

Click below to learn more and buy it:

Get Jupiter X

Colin has been using WordPress for over a decade and is on a quest to test all 60,000+ plugins at WordPress.org. He has been a Writer and Product Review Expert for WP Mayor since 2017, testing well over 150 products and services throughout that time.

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5 Responses

  1. JUPITER X the big deception…

    I own 8 licenses for different website I built or manage.
    Since the shift to Jupiter X and the implementation of Elementor Jupiter X is a disaster. I knew before that the code wasn’t the strongest point of this theme, but as a non coder, there is not much that I could have done.
    But now all is messed up, their assistance take more than 3 days to answer, there is a noticeable loss of quality in their assistance and this theme has lost all interest and reputation. The most recent issue is when they released an update for a plugin while wordpress was updated and that messed up everything for everyone. WHAT A MAJOR FAILURE. I had to downgrade WP version and messed with the plugin.
    Stay away form JUPITER X and save yourself some time!

  2. 59? I’m seeing it being sold for 35 on themeforest.
    Am I looking at something different?

  3. Thanks for the very thorough review! I’m actually in the verge of buying Elementor Pro, or Jupiter X, so this was a good read.
    What would you recommend, though, in terms of getting EPro or JX? If you get JX do you get to use Elementor Pro for life too?

    Thanks again!

  4. Wow, what I like most that there are Multiple Ad Placement Options, and it can give more impression, thank you for sharing this theme with us.

  5. The only problem I have with Jupiter is that it is sold through Envato. I stopped buying from them years ago. Do they have any plans on selling independently?

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