
Already have a fast website that your visitors love? That’s all well and good, but it’s only valuable if it’s up and running! Your website’s security is not to be taken lightly, which is why we’re constantly learning from experts in various fields to bring you the best advice on how to keep your WordPress site safe and secure.

Termageddon Review

Termageddon Review: Make Sure Your Website Is Operating Legally

As data privacy regulations become stricter, websites need to find ways to protect themselves and stay compliant. One of the most important things you can do is provide a detailed Privacy Policy. In this article, we’ll review Termageddon – a Privacy Policy generator that makes it easy to create customized

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WP Armour Anti Spam Plugin

WP Armour Anti Spam Plugin: Hassle-Free Bot Filtering

Trying to manually clear out spam from comment sections and keep bots from infiltrating your forms can be exhausting. Fortunately, WP Armour makes it easy. Learn how this all-in-one anti spam plugin automatically filters and blocks bots from invading your site’s forms.

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A dropped ice cream cone.

5 Common WordPress Errors and How to Fix Them

WordPress has many strengths as a CMS, but there are also a number of things that can go wrong when you’re working with it. From plugin conflicts to incorrect file permissions, there’s a wide variety of errors you might run into on your site. Here are five WordPress errors you

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