I’ve been trying to set up debugging on and off with SublimeText over the years, and I never quite got it right.
Today I was determined to make it work and finally I managed.
Here are the links I used to set it up, they are mostly the same, so the first one should be enough:
- https://coderwall.com/p/rnsqua
- https://soderlind.no/debug-wordpress-with-sublime-text-2-and-xdebug/
- https://github.com/martomo/SublimeTextXdebug#installation
After setting XDebug with SublimeText I ran some tests with a simple PHP file before trying it out with WordPress itself, setting a breakpoint in the index.php file in the root WordPress folder. This allowed me to go through the loading process of WordPress, which is a very interesting journey I recommend you take if you haven’t done it yet.
While I was at it, I also wanted to set up file handlers so that when I got PHP warnings or errors that included a stack trace, I could click on the files shown and they would open directly in SublimeText.Β For that I found this guide handy:Β http://simonwheatley.co.uk/2012/07/clickable-stack-traces/
To make the sublΒ handler work I tried to use this, however I haven’t managed to make it work yet.
For activating the debug session in the browser, I used the XDebug Chrome Helper.
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