Sitewide Sales Review: All-In-One WordPress Flash Sale Plugin

Sitewide Sales takes away the stress of having to manage every little aspect of your eCommerce store’s sales, from scheduling to landing pages and banners. Its all-in-one nature, builder integrations, and automatic syncing add a level of convenience that, to my knowledge, is currently unrivaled.

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Need to run a sitewide sale on your WordPress eCommerce store or membership site?

The Sitewide Sales plugin is an all-in-one sales tool that covers everything you need to run a sitewide sale. This includes not just the ability to set up discount rules, but also banners, landing pages, and even performance reporting so that you can see how your sale did.

You’ll be able to design landing pages and banners for your deals using your favorite builder. 

Then, your discount promotion will run on autopilot according to your settings and you’ll be able to track how it’s going using the performance reports.

It’s not just for WooCommerce, either – Sitewide Sales also supports Easy Digital Downloads, Paid Memberships Pro, and custom implementations (in addition to built-in support for WooCommerce, of course).

In our hands-on Sitewide Sales review, we’ll give you a deeper look at what the plugin offers and show you how it works to create a sitewide sale.

Sitewide Sales Review: What Does the Plugin Do?

Sitewide Sales review

Sitewide Sales aims to be an all-in-one tool to help you manage all aspects of running promotions on your eCommerce website, membership site, online course, and so on.

You can use it for your own custom promotions, as well as running common society-wide events such as Black Friday.

In general, I would break down Sitewide Sales’ features into three “buckets”:

  • Deal configuration/setup – the plugin can handle setting up the actual technical details of your sitewide sale. For example, you can create the discount rules, set start/end dates, restrict access to the deal, and more.
  • Promotion – the plugin gives you features to help you promote your deal and drive more sales. This includes dedicated landing pages and sale banners that you can display on different parts of your site.
  • Reporting – the plugin offers detailed analytics/reporting so that you can track your sale’s performance. You’ll be able to see the reach of your banners and landing pages, along with the revenue and orders that your sale generated.

You could probably accomplish a similar setup using a stack of different plugins, but one of the biggest benefits of Sitewide Sales is that it’s all integrated into one tool/workflow, which helps you work more efficiently.

Sitewide Sales vs other plugins

This all-in-one approach also opens up some unique configurations that you might not get when using separate tools.

For example, you could only apply the discount to users who have viewed the landing page for your sale, which is a tactic that you’ll see a lot of brands use for more targeted promotions.

Currently, Sitewide Sales offers built-in support for the following WordPress eCommerce tools:

  • WooCommerce
  • Easy Digital Downloads
  • Paid Memberships Pro (this will make sense in a second)

There’s also a Custom Module option that lets you track conversions through other tools.

Here are a few other notable features that you get with Sitewide Sales:

  • Page builder compatibility with Elementor and Divi – this lets you control a module’s display by the sale period. For example, you could only show it before, after, or during the sale. This is helpful for customizing the landing page design based on the sale’s status.
  • Block editor support (Gutenberg) – you get similar visibility controls in the block editor, along with a special countdown timer block.
  • Shortcodes – if you’re using the classic editor or a different page builder plugin, Sitewide Sales also offers shortcodes to help you customize your landing pages.
  • PHP action and filter hooks – for developers, Sitewide Sales comes with a number of action and filter hooks to help you customize everything using code.

Sitewide Sales comes from Stranger Studios, which is probably best known for Paid Memberships Pro, one of the most popular WordPress membership plugins. Basically, it comes from a well-established team.

How to Use Sitewide Sales to Set Up a Promotion

Now that you know what Sitewide Sales does, let’s get into what it’s like to actually set up your first WordPress sitewide sale promotion.

For this example, I’m using an eCommerce store created with WooCommerce, but remember that Sitewide Sales has other integrations including Easy Digital Downloads and Paid Memberships Pro (along with the custom option).

1. Create a New Sale and Choose Dates

To get started, you’ll head to Sitewide Sales β†’ Add New in your WordPress dashboard to create your first deal.

At the top of the interface, you can give your sale an internal name to help you remember it. Then, you can set the start and end dates/times for the deal.

Sitewide sale start and end date

2. Set Sale Type

Next, you can set up the Sale Type, which lets you control the discount for your deal.

Configure sale type

First, use the Sale Type drop-down to select your platform, which is WooCommerce in my example.

This will expand some additional options. 

To control the discount itself, Sitewide Sales works by connecting to a WooCommerce coupon (which gives you access to all of the coupon discounting rules). As such, you would need to create a regular WooCommerce coupon to control the actual discount that shoppers receive. Then, you would select that coupon using the Coupon drop-down.

Despite this, you’re still able to automatically apply the discount. That is, shoppers don’t need to manually enter the coupon to get the discount (though you can set it up that way if you actually prefer that approach).

Below that, you can use the Apply Discount Automatically drop-down to choose from three options for how to apply the deal:

  • Do not apply discount automatically – customers would need to manually enter the coupon to get the deal.
  • Apply discount automatically if user has seen the landing page – the discount will automatically be applied to shoppers, but only for the shoppers who have specifically viewed this deal’s landing page (more on landing pages next).
  • Always apply discount automatically – the discount will be automatically applied for all shoppers, regardless of whether or not they’ve viewed this deal’s landing page.

For both of the automatic options, customers will still see the discounted prices on the single product pages. That is, they don’t need to wait until checkout to see the sale prices as they would with a “normal” coupon.

3. Set Up Sale Landing Page

Next up, you can create a dedicated landing page for your sale.

This step is optional – you aren’t required to create one. You could just send people straight to discounted products using a banner (that’s next) or other promotion channels (e.g. email).

However, it can be helpful to have one dedicated page to promote your deal.

Depending on how you configured the Sale Type above, this might just be for general information and promotion. Or, it might control whether or not people get the discount.

To set this up, all you need to do is choose/create a regular WordPress page.

This approach is nice because it means that you can use any builder to create your landing page. You could stick with the native block editor or use your favorite page builder plugin such as Elementor, Divi, or others.

If you do use the native block editor, the plugin gives you dedicated blocks to show different content depending on the state of the deal. For example, you could show one set of content before the deal starts, another during, and a third content state after the deal ends.

You also get another dedicated block to add a countdown timer for your sale.

Block visibility controls

Being able to set up these different “states” in advance is nice because it means your landing page will always be accurate and you also aren’t wasting traffic. You can also use the “after sale” state to still promote your store in an optimal way even after the deal has finished.

As I mentioned earlier, the plugin also offers built-in integrations for Elementor and Divi so that you can show/hide modules or sections based on the deal’s status.

Here’s what it looks like in Elementor:

Elementor integration

You can also set this behavior up in a builder that’s not Elementor or Divi. For example, Beaver Builder, Brizy, Oxygen, and so on.

However, in that case, you would need to rely on the Sitewide Sales shortcodes rather than built-in interface options, so it’s not quite as convenient.

You can also use the shortcodes if you’re still using the classic TinyMCE editor instead of the block editor.

For developers, you also get PHP filter and action hooks to display sale content and make other customizations, which lets you hard-code display rules into your templates if needed.

Once you select your landing page in the plugin’s settings, it also gives you an option to preview the different states of your landing page, which is convenient for seeing what your actual visitors will see:

Preview sitewide sale landing page in different states

4. Create Sale Banner

Once you’ve created your sale landing page, the next step is to set up the banner for your sale.

With the banner, you’re able to promote your deal in other parts of your site, such as adding the banner to every page on your shop.

As with the landing page, creating a banner is totally optional. For example, if you want to have a private deal, you could just manually direct people to your landing page (if it exists) or discounted products via email or social media.

When you create a banner, you’re able to choose from three different “types”:

  • Custom Banner – customize the content of your banner using the interface options. If you’re a developer, you can also use code to create your own banner templates.
  • Popup Maker – use the third-party Popup Maker plugin to design a popup for your sale and then assign it from the interface.
  • Reusable Block – use the native block editor to design your banner as a reusable block. This is nice because it gives you a visual interface to create your banner without requiring the use of a third-party plugin.

Here are the options for the Custom Banner interface:

Custom banner

Here’s what it looks like with Popup Maker – in addition to choosing the popup that you created with Popup Maker, you also get a few other options for customizing its behavior:

Popup Maker banner

Finally, if you use the Reusable Block approach, you would first create the design using the block editor and save it as a reusable block. Then, you’ll get some additional options to control how it works, such as choosing between different banner locations for the design:

Reusable block banner

And that’s it for configuring your sale! When you’re happy with how everything looks, make sure to save your settings by using the option in the top-right corner.

Once you do that, you’ll see your deal’s current status based on the start/end date.

Run sale

5. View Sale Reporting

Once you’ve been running your deal for a bit, you can use the performance reports feature in Sitewide Sales to analyze how it’s going.

You can access these full reports by going to Sitewide Sales β†’ Reports.

At the top, you can use the drop-down to choose the sale that you want to analyze.

Then, you’ll get two main reports:

  • Overall Sale Performance – track banner reach, landing page visits, purchases, and overall sale revenue, as well as sale revenue by individual days.
  • Revenue Breakdown – see how your sales revenue compares to other new revenue. If you have recurring subscriptions, you can also see renewal revenue.

Here, I’ll use screenshots from the plugin’s documentation so that there’s more data to work with.

Sale reporting

Sitewide Sales Pricing

Sitewide Sales only comes in a premium version.

Currently, it’s listed at $99 for use on unlimited sites, but you can purchase it for $49. That includes one year of support and automatic updates. To continue receiving support and updates after the first year, you’d need to renew your license.

To help you test the plugin at no risk, you can also make use of a 30-day free trial and the developer also offers a 60-day money-back guarantee in case the free trial isn’t long enough to assess the plugin.

Both of those policies are pretty generous for the WordPress space.

Sitewide Sales pricing review

Final Thoughts on Sitewide Sales

Overall, Sitewide Sales makes it very easy to set up a cohesive deal, complete with scheduling, landing pages, and banners.

Again, I think the biggest benefit of the plugin is its all-in-one approach. You could set up similar functionality using a stack of plugins, but being able to do everything from one interface and have everything automatically synced is really convenient.

It’s also pretty flexible for how you set things up, including letting you use your own builders to design the landing pages and banners.

Finally, it also comes from a well-established team, so you can be confident in the developer and resources behind the plugin.

If you want to try it out, you can take advantage of the 30-day free trial at no risk to your wallet. Then, if you find that it works for you, you can purchase the full one-year license for a pretty affordable price.

Colin has been using WordPress for over a decade and is on a quest to test all 60,000+ plugins at He has been a Writer and Product Review Expert for WP Mayor since 2017, testing well over 150 products and services throughout that time.

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