
Leveraging WordPress for Business Success: This tag focuses on utilizing WordPress as a powerful tool for business growth and management. It covers a range of topics including business strategies, online marketing, eCommerce solutions, SEO, and customer engagement, all within the WordPress framework. Ideal for entrepreneurs, business owners, and marketers seeking to harness the full potential of their WordPress sites for business excellence.

WordPress Losing Ground: Can Coopetition Ensure Survival?

Despite facing increased competition from user-friendly website builders and specialized CMSs, WordPress continues to be a strong contender in the content management system market. This article explores how WordPress can combat the decline by embracing a strategy of coopetition, where it collaborates with these competitors to offer enhanced features and user experiences. By leveraging the strengths of its rivals, WordPress can adapt to evolving consumer preferences and maintain its position as a leading choice for website creators and bloggers.

WP Mayor Turns 12! 🍾

12 years after Jean Galea took a leap of faith and started a blog about WordPress, WP Mayor continues to be one of the most trusted and reputable sources of WordPress reviews and tutorials around the world. After years of experimentation and discovery, we now look ahead to a brighter future together, focusing on providing our readers and fellow WordPress businesses with exactly the value they’re looking for.

Is Deceptive Marketing Ruining WordPress' Reputation

Is Deceptive Marketing Ruining WordPress’ Reputation?

The marketing strategies and tactics being used across WordPress businesses have changed over the years, but it’s not all positive. We’ve seen one-time payments evolve into subscriptions and renewal discounts have been phased out. But, as some folks in the WordPress community have pointed out, there are some questionable marketing tactics growing in popularity, and it’s a shame.

WordPress Blogs Situation

WordPress Blogs; Competition, Integrity, Money, and Reputation

The state of WordPress blogs has changed over the years. Today we see a mix of older blogs with a solid reputation, newer blogs with unclear intentions, and some that are putting money ahead of everything else. This is my opinion on the current situation and where it’s heading.

Digital business hub

3 Ways to Upgrade an Informational Website to a Digital Business Hub

Your business website isn’t there to look pretty – it should be a core part of your monetization strategy, and there are tools available to help you do this with minimal effort. Here are three ways to enhance a business website to turn it from informational to transactional.

General People Operations with Kyle Maurer

General People Operations with Kyle Maurer

In this episode, Gaby Galea and Mark Zahra talk to Kyle Maurer, Director of Operations at Sandhills Development (recently acquired by Awesome Motive), about general people operations, career progression frameworks, the best way to handle compensation, and organization hierarchy.

Is There a Future for Small WordPress Businesses?

Is There a Future for Small WordPress Businesses?

The past few months have been riddled with acquisitions in the WordPress space. This past week we saw two huge ones with LearnDash becoming part of StellarWP (Liquid Web) and Sandhills Development selling all its plugins to Awesome Motive. Is there a future for smaller WordPress businesses with all this consolidation happening around us?

The WP Mayor Podcast

Introducing The WP Mayor Podcast

We’re proud to introduce The WP Mayor Podcast. We look at what the podcast is all about, who it’s for, and why we created it.

How to Grow a WordPress Plugin to 20k Users in 12 Months

How to Grow a WordPress Plugin to 20k Users in 12 Months

Building a new WordPress plugin in a competitive market and scaling it to where it can become a profitable business is not easy. When using the freemium model, it can be even harder if you don’t get enough traction early on. This is an inside look at our experience growing the Spotlight Instagram Feeds plugin to 20,000+ active installations in 12 months.

Selling Your WordPress Plugin or Theme Business

Over the past few years, we’ve seen many acquisitions and merges in the WordPress space. Here’s a brief overview of how they work and what to look out for as a buyer or a seller.

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