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Why Our New Plugin Started at Version 0.1

When we re-launched EDD Bookings a few weeks back, we did so at version 0.1. This might not be the norm in the WordPress space as most plugin developers and owners tend to release at 1.0. We follow Semantic Versioning - a widely adopted standard for versioning that advocates the use of version numbers that have real meaning.
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When we re-launched EDD Bookings a few weeks back, we did so at version 0.1.

This might not be the norm in the WordPress space as most plugin developers and owners tend to release at 1.0. There may be reasons for doing so, be it for development, marketing or anything else. In fact, WordPress itself has a version numbering system that even the Codex writers themselves admit is weird. Here’s a look at why we opted for a more structured approach.

Semantic Versioning

We chose to follow SemVer (Semantic Versioning) – a widely adopted standard for versioning that advocates the use of version numbers that have real meaning. In short, every number of a version reflects how that version is different from the one that came before it. This system was authored by Tom Preston-Werner, inventor of Gravatars and co-founder of GitHub.

Here’s an explanation of how it works from Miguel, our current lead developer:

Every version has three numbers: a major, minor and a patch number. Sometimes, the patch number is omitted when it is zero, as is the case with 0.1 and 1.0. The versions 0.1.0 and 1.0.0 are respectively equivalent. Here’s what each of these numbers means:

The patch number indicates how many times the product has undergone maintenance changes since the last minor/major version. 
These include bug fixes, minor text or style changes, and so on.

The minor number indicates the number of times the product has had features and significant improvements added to it since the last major version. These include new features, significant UI updates, and other similar changes.

The major version indicates how many times the product has undergone major API changes. In layman’s terms, how many times the product has broken backward compatibility. This is usually due to a rewrite. or massive refactoring. 

We built EDD Bookings from scratch, rather than refactor the previous version. Therefore, we’ve essentially built a new product that has, so far, not undergone any API changes that broke backward compatibility.

For this reason, and because we adhere to SemVer, the current major version of our product is zero. On the other hand, we’ve created a product that is being released with an initial set of features, so the minor version is one.

Therefore, we’re starting our versioning at 0.1 and not at 1.0. SemVer also states that between 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and so on, the product is allowed to break backward incompatibility until it has matured and reached a point of stability. At that point, the product may be versioned as 1.0 to signify that it has reached its first stable version.

While we aren’t planning to break backward compatibility between the minor versions that lead up to 1.0, if the need arises we will be providing measures and tools to ensure that any existing data on our users’ websites is kept intact. The same would apply for major version updates unless there is a specific reason not to.

What about the old EDD Bookings?

This is a short update added on 14/10/18 following a few valid comments made upon publishing the post on 12/10/18.

As some of you may know, EDD Bookings already existed before this version. For that reason, since publishing this post, I have received a few comments about why EDD Bookings is not at version 3.0. Here’s why.

EDD Bookings was previously developed by our team but sold and support by the EDD team. This changed in September 2017 when EDD stopped selling 3rd party extensions on their website. We took over the development, support, and sale of EDD Bookings. At this point, we decided to stop development on the EDD Bookings that was at version 2.2.5 and build something completely new.

When doing so, we kept the same plugin name, but that was it. That was the only thing that remained from the old EDD Bookings. The new version is a different package, both figuratively due to it being completely new in terms of code, and literally in that it’s a different repository and Composer package.

Yes, this new version is built upon the many, many important lessons learned from the old version. Yes, the product functions well. Yes, our users will get a lot of value out of it, even if the internal API is changing. That is why we chose to release the plugin before it reached version 1.0.

We do not intend to wait for backward-compatibility breaking changes to jump to version 1.0. In fact, we are allowing ourselves to break backward compatibility up until version 1.0, which is a version that indicates stability.

What are your thoughts on SemVer? Do you prefer any other solution for versioning?

Mark is the CEO behind the WP Mayor project. He has been using WordPress since 2012, joining the WP Mayor team in 2014. Since then, he has helped to review, test, and write about hundreds of WordPress products and services; educating the community of millions of WordPress users around the globe.

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7 Responses

  1. It is an interesting article to read on. I always thought about the version numbering system when there was a new update in WordPress and it always confused me a lot. But now after reading your article, I understand all the logics behind it. You simply clear my doubts regarding the same.

    According to me, SemVer versioning is the best way to describe the version numbering system. Also, I totally agree with Anton’s comment which states that how can be a product or plugin can be made with zero patches and no scope of improvements? Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Hi Rajkumar, glad we could help you understand versioning a little better. Thank you for your comment.

      Yes, we have updated the post since Anton’s comment was posted, as Miguel also explained. SemVer is certainly the most appropriate versioning system we found for our needs, so if this post can go some ways to helping others understand it, all the better 🙂

  2. I would disagree with that definition of the numbers. So, if a product is at version 1.0 , does that mean that it received 0 patches, and had 0 improvements? I don’t think so.

    1. Ah true! The definitions for patch and minor should then include “since the last [minor/major] version” respectively.

  3. You’re doing it wrong. Before the relaunch the version was 2.2.5.
    This new version breaks backwards compatibility, as you said it’s been written from scratch… That makes it version 3.x

    You’ve missed the entire point of semantic versioning… The numbers are supposed to mean something just by looking. V2 is newer than v1, and breaks backcompat. But now 0.x is newer than 2.2.5, and in 2 API updates from now, you’ll have a 2.0.0 that’s newer than 2.2.5

    You really thought this was a smart idea?

    1. Hi David – I’m a developer for this plugin. Thanks for the feedback. I’d like to elaborate a bit because I think that this post might be a bit misleading.

      We did not “relaunch” the product and while we may say that we’ve (re)written it from scratch, that’s not entirely true either. It’s just an easier way of explaining it.

      The truth is that the old EDD Bookings plugin is not a product that we sell, provide support for, maintain and market. It’s been discontinued.

      The new EDD Bookings is quite literally a new product that just bears the same branding. We re-used nothing else, not even the repository and Composer package. In fact, it is almost impossible to update from the old to the new and you can even have both installed at the same time since they don’t even share the same plugin directory name and PHP namespace. That’s how different they are.

      This is a natural application of SemVer; a new product begins its life at version 0.1.0 and that version grows depending on the changes that go into it.

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