A great way of displaying your skills and accomplishments 24/7 is by using an on-line resume/portfolio. Especially useful for graphic designers, photographers, illustrators, architects and virtually anyone, this tool allows prospective employers to get an in-depth feel of who you are, as well as view your work easily and efficiently.
We bring you the top 10 WordPress Portfolio and Resume themes currently on the market!
1. Profile Theme
2. Zwin
Get Zwin Theme
3. BookCard
4. Selfless
Get Selfless Theme
5. Identify
Get Identify Theme
6. Wave CV
Get Wave CV Theme
7.Β Monaco
8. JP
Get JP Theme
9. impressivCard WP
10. Overlay
Get Overlay Theme
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One Response
Hey Gabriella,
Nice line up, I am a big fan of WPMU dev and I just found this: portfolio theme…Thought I would share as it is an awesome portfolio design.