WordPress Theme Detector: Find out the WP theme used in that site

You've many times seen a particular blog or website based on WordPress with a wonderful appearance, and you have probably wondered what WP theme it is using. In some cases, youΒ΄re not even sure whether it is using WordPress or not. In other cases, you know it or it is quite clear since itΒ΄s shown on the footer.
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You’ve many times seen a particularΒ blog or website based on WordPressΒ with a wonderful appearance, and you have probably wondered what WP theme it is using.

In some cases, youΒ΄re not even sure whether it is using WordPress or not. In other cases, youΒ know itΒ or it is quite clear since itΒ΄s shown on the footer.

On many sites the footer even shows what WordPress theme is being used, and in that case usually a link to the author, provider or distributor of the theme is included. So you just need to follow that link to find the information about the WordPress theme youΒ΄re looking for, checkΒ if itΒ΄s available to you, see if itΒ΄s a free or a premium theme, and decide if you want to get it.

However, in most cases the information about the theme being used is not available in the footer. Β Ironically enough, that will usually happen with the sites you like the most. Does this sound familiar to you?.

With some basic technical skills it is possible to find which WordPress theme a particular site is using, for example by checking the HTML code sent by the server and investigating from there.

But, wouldnΒ΄t it be much better to be able to use an online tool to automaticallyΒ do all that work for you?

ThatΒ΄s exactly what WordPress Theme Detector does. It is a free online tool that allows you to find all the details about the WordPress theme currently being used in a particular site.

But it doesnΒ΄t just stop there.

As you can see in the previous image, the description of the WP Mayor theme used as an example shows that it is a child theme based in the parent theme Prototype. However, you canΒ΄t rely on getting always that kind of information. In too many occasions you may find a child theme with no relevant details about its parent theme provided. Β In such a case, your search would finish there, having found no valuable information at all.

That is why WordPress Theme Detector always checks if the found theme happens to be a child theme and, if it is, the tool will find and display all the available details for the parent theme as well:

So, if you are interested in a theme and it happens to be a child theme, sometimes itΒ wonΒ΄t be of any use for you toΒ just get the information about that child theme and nothing else. First of all, you need to be informed thatΒ it isΒ a child theme, then you need to know what other theme is its parent, and finally you would like to get as much information about that parent theme as possible (which is what you were looking for in the first place, even if you didn’t know it).

Otherwise, besides coming back from your search with useless information, you will never get to know that what you really liked about that theme (and what made you investigate it) was really its parent theme,Β unless you are told of its existence and you are provided with its relevant information.

WordPress Theme Detector works well on many different configurations, not just when the standard WordPress /wp-content/themes/ directory is present in the site been investigated.

There are some instances though where the web developer wanted to hide the theme information on purpose, so there wonΒ΄t be any way to get the desired details, neither by using a tool like this nor by going through the hassle of a manual search.

Jean Galea is an investor, entrepreneur, and blogger. He is the founder of WP Mayor, the plugins WP RSS Aggregator and Spotlight, as well as the Mastermind.fm podcast. His personal blog can be found at jeangalea.com.

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7 Responses

  1. Hi Luis, the new version of your WordPress Theme Detector looks absolutely amazing. It is a vast improvement on the old interface. Well Done! I love the new features you get when searching for a theme, it is very in depth indeed. I am impressed!

  2. Hi Jean

    I just wanted to stop by to let you know that we have just launched our siteΒ΄s newest feature: The Top WordPress Themes report.

    This report will allow you to see what are the WordPress themes most frequently detected by our tool, some details about them and the percentage of sites using each top theme. It is presented on my post Introducing our new feature: Top WordPress Themes reports.

    I hope you all enjoy it!

  3. Very good tool. If you want to get more information about technologies that using a website visit builtbased.com

  4. That’s an awesome tool there mate.It eases up the hard finding jobs.But will it make any security or privacy issues with webmasters? I am afraid of that!

    1. IΒ΄m glad you enjoyed our tool.

      You should not worry at all about security: we donΒ΄t do anything different from what your browser does, we just get the desired information by reading the html code received from the analysed siteΒ΄s server.

      Soon after we added the plugin detection feature I wrote this post about it: . It also applies to theme detection.

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