WP Mayor – 3 Years On

Three years ago, I launched WP Mayor. I wanted to create a good blog about WordPress, but things went way beyond that and I'm very thankful to be celebrating the 3rd birthday of this site. I want to thank all the regular readers and contributors, as well as the many WordPress plugin developers and service providers who have worked with us throughout the year as we strive to lead WP users to the best resources.
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Three years ago, I launched WP Mayor. I wanted to create a good blog about WordPress, but things went way beyond that and I’m very thankful to be celebrating the 3rd birthday of this site.

I want to thank all the regular readers and contributors, as well as the many WordPress plugin developers and service providers who have worked with us throughout the year as we strive to lead WP users to the best resources.

As we do every year, here are some stats.

  • A steady rise in traffic, reaching and going past the 60,000Β unique visitors/month mark, as measured in Google Analytics.
  • Around 742Β published posts.
  • Twitter followers:Β 15,835+
  • 4000+ comments (thanks!)
  • Alexa Rank:Β 11,560

If you’re interested in how things changed from last year, you can seeΒ some stats on last year’s birthday post.

Another development this year was the launch of some premium add-ons forΒ WP RSS Aggregator, the premier plugin for importing RSS feed items into your WordPress blog.

Want to support the growth of WPMayor? There are several options for doing so:

and most importantly, keep on reading our posts about WordPress!

During the past months we’ve also been actively promoting dailyΒ WordPress jobsΒ available all around the globe, seeing that the majority of our readers are WP developers, designers and bloggers.

Cheers to another successful year!

Do you have any feedback? Let us know in the comments section below, we’re all ears! Any comments on how we can improve our site are very welcome!

If you enjoyed this post, make sure toΒ subscribe to WP Mayor’s RSS feed.

Jean Galea is an investor, entrepreneur, and blogger. He is the founder of WP Mayor, the plugins WP RSS Aggregator and Spotlight, as well as the Mastermind.fm podcast. His personal blog can be found at jeangalea.com.

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All suggestions are anonymous.

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7 Responses

  1. Those are some great stats – a few of which are more than double those of last year – congrats! Keep up the good work!

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