The Author


Vishnu is a freelance writer by night, works as a data analyst by day.

Articles written by Vishnu

Best Responsive Free Personal WordPress Themes for Bloggers

Personal blogs are a great option to have your say. They instantly create a forum for creative people where they can share their work with anybody who cares to read. Whatever your interest, blogging about it serves as a perfect outlet for your passion. Your interest may extend to any area – business, beauty, lifestyle, travel, food, art, tattoos, embroidery, recipes, parenting, pets Β – well, as I said, anything.

How To Start a WordPress Blog: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Starting a blog can be the beginning of an exciting journey. Whatever your passion – business, photography, wildlife, education – blogging about it helps you connect with individuals who share the same passions. Blogging has evolved from being a personal journal to an avenue for sharing knowledge, gaining exposure, building a professional network and developing passive income streams.

15 Best SEO Practices for Your WordPress Website

All webmasters are aware that it isΒ top quality, authoritative content on web pagesΒ that can get them high up on a search engine results page (SERP). This does not mean that you should be satisfied with creating and publishing the right content on your website. There’s a great deal more you can do to make it easier for your audience to find you. That’s what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about.

Practical Tips and Tricks to Boost Traffic To Your Website

A website that receives a great deal of traffic is a wonderful asset to any business. It can boost revenue, serve as a source of information to visitors and double up as a channel of communication with consumers. Getting visitors to your site, maintaining and increasing the flow of traffic is a lot of hard work. But the one thing that is sure to work is top class, authoritative content.

Top 12 Job Board Themes for WordPress

Job board websitesΒ help job seekers and employers connect. If you’re using WordPress, you’ll find many themes that you can use to build your job board.Β WordPress themes for job boards benefit not only major recruiting agencies, micro niche business that target baby sitters, caregivers, blue collar workers and sometimes even freelancer websites can also find them to be a good fit.

To begin with, take time to look for these features while selecting a theme – frontend submission by users, resume builders, ready-to-use templates, contact form, social login and search filters.

Here’s a list of 12 premium WordPress themes for job boards that incorporate most of these features.

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