The Author

Blaze Colby

Blaze is an introvert with silent charisma. One of his favorite things to do is work. He knows It's unhealthy. He is working on that too. He really enjoys building software programs, reading non-fiction books, and helping others with their life problems. He has his head in the clouds most of the time and is working on becoming a better practitioner.

Articles written by Blaze Colby

Q&A with Advanced WordPress Developer – Carl Alexander

Carl Alexander has been programming since he was 8 years old. His forte is advanced topics in WordPress. He has been published in several popular online news, blogs and communities. This includes the likes of SmashingMagazine.
Mr. Alexander has been a long time organizer for Montreal WordPress Group and WordCamp Montreal. Also, Carl has provided a free book on his website called; β€˜Learn object-oriented programming using WordPress.’

Hosting Survey 2024

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