7 Time Saving WordPress Social Automation Plugins for Sharing Your Content

As a website owner, you and I both know that maintaining a strong social media presence is essential to success. In fact, utilizing the power of social media is one of the best ways to get your content noticed and shared across multiple platforms. Not only does this increase your brand’s exposure, it helps you build a bigger email list, and converts more site visitors into loyal customers. And, thanks to the boom in development of WordPress social automation plugins, there is a whole host of solutions available for those who want to promote their content better on social media. In fact, these plugins are so convenient, they actually automate the process for you. Here are 8 of the best WordPress plugins available today that are designed for social media automation. This way all of your valuable content is shared automatically to social media platforms that your target audience visits regularly.
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As a website owner, you and I both know that maintaining a strong social media presence is essential to success. In fact, utilizing the power of social media is one of the best ways to get your content noticed and shared across multiple platforms. Not only does this increase your brand’s exposure, it helps you build a bigger email list, and converts more site visitors into loyal customers.

The problem is, many people don’t have enough time in their day to post their content on social media.

In the past we have shared with you how to encourage site visitors to share your content directly from your website using things such as floating social bars and stylish social sharing buttons. More so, we have helped you avoid useless marketing by identifying which audience types frequent which social media platforms.

But what about all of the content that does not get shared via your site visitors? Don’t you think that all of your content is worthy of being shared on social media?

Well, thanks to the boom in development of WordPress social automation plugins, there is a whole host of solutions available for those who want to promote their content better on social media. In fact, these plugins are so convenient, they actually automate the process for you.

Let’s take a look at 8 of the best WordPress plugins available today that are designed for social media automation. This way all of your valuable content is shared automatically to social media platforms that your target audience visits regularly.

1. Revive Old Post PRO 

Revive Old Post PRO - Social Media Automation Plugin

Revive Old Post PRO is a social automation plugin that extends your content far and wide. Plus, it saves you time in the long run. For instance, you can share all of your newly published content on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing, and even Tumblr. And not only that, this impressive plugin also searches through your website’s archives and shares old posts to these same social media networks. This way your old but still killer content is regularly promoted.

Some of its best features include:

  • Manage and share across multiple social media platforms.
  • Configure a custom posting schedule that includes time between posts and number of posts to share.
  • Generate hashtags based on tags and categories.
  • Include links back to your website.
  • Exclude categories and posts.

In the end, Revive Old Post PRO gives you full control of how you want to share you content while growing your social media presence and keeping your content alive.

Price – from $75

2. FS Poster

FS Poster

Being a WordPress Social Auto Poster plugin, FS Poster is a great tool for social media automation. Its auto-posting feature lets users post to all 15 popular social networks at the same time from WordPress.

Since it’s not a must for users to post simultaneously, FS Poster has a scheduling feature that allows you to share your posts at a later time. If you’re wondering what posts can be published through FS Poster, here’s a roundup: custom posts, images, videos, blog posts, and even WooCommerce products can be shared on social media through WordPress.

With customizable post URLs, you will avoid canonical issues that can pose SEO problems, as each of your posts will have a separate URL. FS Poster saves you time, resources and also improves your site SEO.

The key features:

  • 15 integrated social media networks
  • Unlimited social media accounts
  • Customized post URLs
  • Post scheduling and interval
  • Bulk schedule
  • Viewable calendar
  • Dashboard and insights (track link clicks)

Price – The most important advantage of FS Poster is that it comes with a lifetime license at only $45 with exceptional 24/7 customer support.

3. CoSchedule

CoSchedule - Social Media Automation Plugin

CoSchedule is a unique premium plugin that not only lets you share your website’s content on popular social media networks, but lets you create an entire content marketing campaign using their advanced calendaring system. Draft and schedule all of your blog posts to go live on your website and schedule when that content will post on your social media, all from one convenient place. Easily accessed from your WordPress dashboard, CoSchedule keeps your content organized as an all-in-one content scheduling and social media publishing solution.

Here are CoSchedule’s notable features:

  • Easy-to-use drag & drop calendar for scheduling content to share.
  • Customize social media messages.
  • Monitor sharing activity and see which content garners the most interest.
  • Integrate with third-party tools such as Evernote and Google Docs and push directly to WordPress for publishing.
  • Manage teams using the collaboration tools

Altogether, this plugin was designed for you to take control of your content strategy, consolidate your tools into one convenient place, and make your social automation super easy to monitor and schedule for the best results possible.

Price – $60-$300/month

4. Pinterest Automatic Pin

WordPress Automatic Pinterest #1 - Social Media Automation Plugin

Pinterest Automatic Pin is a premium social automation plugin for those who use lots of imagery throughout their website content that is likely to do well on the social media platform Pinterest. This plugin automatically pins your posts to Pinterest once you click publish. In addition, it bulk pins old posts which helps boost traffic to your website with popular content.

Here is what you can expect from this Pinterest pinning plugin:

  • Pin an unlimited number of images.
  • Enjoy automatic linkbacks to your website.
  • Share WooCommerce products to your Pinterest account.
  • Organize your Pinterest boards to match specific tags and categories.
  • Generate automatic excerpts from your content to save time.

Pinterest Automatic Pin is the perfect social automation plugin for you if you are looking to share the bulk of your content with pinners interested in what you have to offer.

Price – $16

Get Pinterest Automatic Pin Here

5. Juicer

Juicer - Social Automation Plugin

Juicer is designed to automatically pull posts from your social media feeds and embed them onto your WordPress pages. Additionally, these feeds will automatically refresh every time you post new content to your social media networks. This plugin differs from other social media automation tools in that you put in work on the social media network end and let the automation occur on your actual website.

Highlights of this unique plugin include:

  • Beautiful social media platform feed displays on your website.
  • Monitor all content on your social media with one click.
  • Infinite scroll capability.
  • Site readers link to any posts displaying in your feed for an automatic redirect.
  • Advanced analytics for monitoring audience type and user behavior.

As a result of this unique approach, Juicer is a social automation plugin that might work well in tandem with other plugins so that your content posts to social media accounts and your website feeds at the same time thus saving you loads of time and truly expanding your content’s reach.

Price – FREE

6. WP to Twitter

WP to Twitter - Social Automation Plugin

WP to Twitter is the perfect social automation solution for those heavily invested in Twitter. In short, this plugin allows you to automatically post a Twitter update on your Twitter feed when you publish new content to your website.

However, that’s not all this simple plugin does for you:

  • Display your Recent Tweets on your website using a widget.
  • Fetch Tweets from your account or others’ to share on your website.
  • Showcase Tweets based on a search result.
  • Support Google Analytics.
  • Use post tags as Twitter hashtags.

Although basic in functionality, WP to Twitter is a great WordPress Twitter plugin if you are looking to automatically post Tweets of your website’s content.

Price – FREE

7. Social Networks Auto-Poster (SNAP)Β 

SNAP - Social Automation Plugin

SNAP is far from the basic plugin mentioned above. In fact, this extensive sharing plugin comes with a way to share your content on over 27 social media networks. Custom messages can be crafted before sharing and automatically adapt to the platform being shared on. Additionally, you have the option to share your entire website post or a formatted announcement complete with a backlink to your website.

If you want more, look no further:

  • Automate re-posting of old posts.
  • Auto-import comments from Facebook and replies/mentions from Twitter as WordPress comments.
  • Convert tags and categories to hashtags.
  • Complement you social shares with images.
  • Set URL parameters, design custom URLs for auto-posts, and choose from several URL shorteners.

SNAP is one of the most comprehensive social automation plugins available on the market today catering to all kinds of website owners and social media platforms.

Price – FREE

Final Thoughts

With social media automation plugins becoming more commonplace, it is time you take a look at your content sharing practices and tweak them to become more effective.

Although I have only mentioned a handful of possible solutions for automating your social media sharing, these give you a great idea of what’s available, the kinds of features you may interested in, and the type of plugin that would best suit your social media marketing efforts.

Once you decide on a solution and start automating the process of sharing your website’s content on the various social media platforms, you will quickly realize how much time you have been wasting and how much easier integrating social media sharing into your overall content marketing campaign can be.

Do you currently use any WordPress plugins for social media automation? Which solutions do you recommend and why? I would love to hear all about it in the comments below!

Lindsay is a freelance writer who loves all things WordPress. When she is not writing she can be found spending family time with her son and two silly nephews.

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All suggestions are anonymous.

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3 Responses

  1. Hi Lindsay,

    Thanks for your article and sharing your thoughts on the different social media plugins! Do you plan to update your blog post anytime soon? If so, I can highly recommend the Blog2Social plugin to you.


  2. Hi Alexandra,

    Thank you so much for stopping by WP Mayor and seeing what the latest news is!

    I am happy to have added Revive Old Post to my roundup. As a big believer in making what you already have continue to work for you, I love the fact that Revive Old Post continues to promote oldies but goodies when it comes to your blog posts. This is something that can be time consuming to do manually, but is an effective way to drive more traffic to your site. Automating this process makes things that much better!

    ~ Lindsay πŸ™‚

  3. Hi Lindsay,

    I am part of the ThemeIsle team and i wanted to thank you for including Revive Old Post into your article.
    We greatly appreciate it.
    If any of the users have questions or issues with the plugin, feel free to contact us on our support form: .
    Thank you!

    Best regards,

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