The Author

Colin Newcomer

Colin has been using WordPress for over a decade and is on a quest to test all 60,000+ plugins at He has been a Writer and Product Review Expert for WP Mayor since 2017, testing well over 150 products and services throughout that time.

Articles written by Colin Newcomer

InstaWP Review

InstaWP Review: Create WordPress Sandbox Sites the Easy Way

InstaWP lets you create new WordPress sandbox sites just by clicking a button. You can use them to test plugins, build client sites, create real interactive demos, or anything else. Read our hands-on InstaWP review to learn more.

Essential Addons: Most Popular Elementor Addons With 90+ Advanced Widgets

Beyond its own stellar feature list, one of the things that makes Elementor so powerful is that they’ve opened it up so that other developers can easily extend the core Elementor functionality.

That’s what Essential Addons for Elementor does – it adds 90+ new widgets that you can use in your Elementor designs.

Needless to say, all those new widgets give you a ton of flexibility when you’re working with your Elementor designs.

NitroPack Review

NitroPack Review: WordPress Site Speed Optimization on Easy Mode

NitroPack is a comprehensive site speed optimization plugin for WordPress (and other platforms). In one tool, and with just a few clicks, you can implement pretty much every tactic needed to make your site load fast. In our hands-on NitroPack review, we’ll give you a detailed look at how it works.

WPGetAPI Review

WPGetAPI Review: Connect WordPress to APIs

WPGetAPI offers a code-free way to connect your WordPress site to unlimited external REST API’s. You can fetch data and display it on your site or pass data from your site to the API. Learn more in our full WPGetAPI review.

Pressable Review: Managed WordPress Hosting

Pressable is a managed WordPress hosting service from Automattic, the same company behind, WooCommerce and more. Learn more in our hands-on Pressable hosting review.

Multilingual Website

How to Create a Multilingual Website with Divi and WPML

In this post, we’re going to show you exactly how you can create your own multilingual site using the popular WPML plugin. While we focus on Divi for this tutorial, you could easily adapt this method to other themes.

NameHero WordPress Hosting Review: Powered By LiteSpeed

NameHero is known for offering fast web hosting that doesn’t break the bank. In our NameHero WordPress hosting review, we’ll take a look at the new WordPress-specific plans that NameHero launched in 2023.

WP Full Picture Review: WordPress Cookie Compliance + Analytics

WP Full Picture helps you install any tracking tool on your site, manage the ones you are using and get all of them to comply with privacy laws. You can add and enhance tracking scripts to collect data while also displaying a smart cookie consent notice that automatically integrates those scripts.

Learn more in our full hands-on WP Full Picture review.

How To Create A WooCommerce Order Form For Easier Shopping

How To Create A WooCommerce Order Form For Easier Shopping

Depending on what you’re selling at your WooCommerce store, the typical shop page might not be the best way to present your products. Instead, a WooCommerce order form can sometimes be a more efficient way to showcase your wares, especially when you need a more compact layout to display more products in the same space.

How To Create A WooCommerce List View For Products

Want to create a WooCommerce list view to display your products instead of the default WooCommerce shop page?

In this post, I’ll first talk about which types of stores can benefit from a list view. Then, I’ll show you how the WooCommerce Product Table plugin can help you generate a simple WooCommerce list view shortcode for your store.

How to Set Up Legal Signing With Gravity Forms (Full Workflows)

In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up legal signing workflows in Gravity Forms with the help of the Legal Signing plugin. Build automated workflows, have multiple signers, create signed PDF documents, and more.

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